Monday, April 5

Mugs for Tea (L)

As a self-professed Tea addict I'm often given pretty mugs by my friends or I buy them myself! I'd been thinking about doing this for a while and seeing as it was actually sunny yesterday I went and took pictures in my garden.
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Oh my gosh, look... No rain!
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My garden. It's a bit shit, but it's getting there... I hate my toes :/
Jeggings - Primark
Shoes - Barratts (about 4 years ago, they're my sister's!)
Nail Varnish - Rimmel London, Perfect Plum
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My three favourite mugs. Cupcake mug - Tesco, £2!! 'A' mug - Anthropologie, £6. Biscuit mug - Paperchase, I don't know the price because it was a present, but you can ask Liv, because she's the babe that bought it for me!
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Shoes and mugs... Why wouldn't they be in grass?
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I love flowers, this is one of the only ones in my garden around at the moment. Flowers + Cupcake + Cupcake mug = Happy Abi :)

I'm craving a cup now, I only had one about 5 minutes ago!!

Abi x

1 comment:

  1. Haha you're right, I did enjoy them, thanks! Did however make me want a cupcake also...
    =P x
